Thursday, 31 January 2013

Music - 4 easy steps to improve your PB

It's safe to say listening to music when out running is very popular. Studies have shown it can increase performance, maintain motivation and focus the mind. 
True enough at times you can look like a pillock (just like the chap above) but runners don't care, runners are to busy running to care,
There is nothing scientific or enlightening within this short blog. It's just about how I use music as a training tool. I make music as important as a bowl of carbs, fuel for my run. You may or may not want to give it a go, but it's quite simple.
This plan will work better if you already feel some benefit from listening to music as you run.
The key to this is you only do it when trying for a PB time. All it takes is to deprive yourself of the music, just for a few runs. Typically I will only do this once a month, as it will take almost a week including rest days. Set your PB distance low at first and build up gradually but push hard.
I would normally have a rest day after Step 2 and Step 3.
Step 1 

Spend time on the prep, workout out a playlist for your run then listen to it at home, imagine yourself running the route you plan to take. Repeat at least twice on this first day. No running.
Step 2

Run your route for 2 days without music.
Step 3

On the 5th day listen to it again at home, before your run.  Again imagine running the route, try and connect with it as much as possible. Then go for your run, without the music.
Step 4

Run the route on the 7th day with the music and your PB will come a lot easier.
Its works every time for me and in less than a year it's helped me to take over 25 minutes off my half marathon time. Obviously along with the fact I'm much fitter but still I see my extra fitness in part as a result of doing the above for 1 week out of every month.
And that's just how I use music in my training program.
Do you have any music related training tips or stories? Comment in the reply box below this blog and we will share them with the community.
Cheers EHM

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