Wednesday, 30 January 2013

RunEHM Training Run - Sunday 3rd February 10am


Hello & here are your run details for this weekend. Route maps are below.

I’ll begin with filling in the blanks for anyone not familiar with what we are trying to achieve here. English Half Marathon is Warrington’s only half marathon ran over one of the flattest routes in the Northwest. The race takes place during September and attracts not only quality club runners but we also have our fair share of fun runners and first timers.

These training runs are about bringing together like minded people who plan ...
to take part in the EHM or people just interested in taking up running for the first time.

It will be our 4th training session this weekend and we’re in no doubt that once again we will have plenty of people willing to put some good miles in. Group numbers last weekend reached over 40!

We have two routes for people to choose from, 10k and 7k. Both routes are demanding but have been design to be interesting, fun and challenging. We do not expect people to be putting in personal best times each week, these sessions are just a chance for people to be in a group environment so we can share tips and be motivated or even motivate others. It’s a social run with an ethos of train and run at your own pace. If people do want to press the man/woman in front of them we see no problem in that, a little competition isn’t a bad thing.

The chances are if you’re reading this then you have attended one of the sessions already, if that’s the case then can you tell a friend, get people involved and inspire someone. If you are new to this then please come along. No Matter what your level of fitness you can still be a part of this great opportunity to take part in one of the best social runs in Warrington. Remember you can choose the long or short route, many who are just starting out take the short route. This can be completed by doing a mix of short runs then walk for a small distance, then repeat.

After the success of last week’s Hill Cliffe run and the shorter route, this week we will be doing it all over again. The route has changed a little but some of the more challenging element stays the same, Hill Cliffe being one of them!

Please remember to enjoy the run. It’s not a race, everyone should be pushing each other along with a smile. Motivate each other, buddy up with someone and you will find the miles much easier.

It’s important you warm up before leaving the house, most people won’t be travelling to the park for more than 30 minutes so it’s still going to benefit you by the time you run. We will do a warm up and stretch session before setting off but this is just a quick top-up.

Have a good week, comment, say hello or just post us some running tips!

If you have a good running route then tell us, we can all enjoy it together!

We meet on Victoria Park, Warrington. This is situated on Knutsford Rd. Please park up at the upper end, next to the running track. Quick warm up, stretch and we are off! We leave around 10am.

Thanks EHM

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